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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4401



大学科技服务 is committed to deliver innovative, 可靠的, 安全, 受信任的, 以及具有成本效益的解决方案. We provide expert counsel and opportunities for partnership to inspire education, 鼓励研究, 加强对学生的支持, 教师, 员工的成功.


  • 网络通信不会成为教学的障碍, 学习, 研究, 社区参与.
  • Data and file storage will meet demand and will be suited to purpose.
  • 采购, 购买, and implementation of information technology solutions will support the mission of the university, 符合高可信度标准, 并满足社区对及时性的期望.
  • 大学科技服务 team members will do their best to help others achieve their 目标.



  • 支持韦德体育app官网的价值观, 目标, 战略行动, 政策, 和程序, 并表现出强烈的社区意识.
  • Creating and maintaining partnerships and seeking input from advisory groups through an inclusive 治理 结构. 
  • 规划和提供最先进的, 高性能网络, 系统, and applications that are constantly evolving to next-generation solutions and enable data access as a resource.
  • Providing a 可靠的 "always on" environment by planning and carefully managing changes.
  • 提供开发方面的专业知识, 需求评估, 选择, 采用, 利用信息技术资源, 系统, 体系结构, 和标准.  
  • Building and maintaining technical 体系结构 and environments that emphasize innovation, 流动性, 敏捷性, 技术的货币, 可访问性, 最佳实践, 可伸缩性, 和足够的容量.
  • 强调安全,维持一个值得信赖的环境, 复苏, 可用性, 可靠性, 风险管理.
  • Seeking efficiency and sound 金融 stewardship through consolidation, right-sourcing, 生命周期规划.
  • 保持技术熟练, 值得信赖的, 以客户为中心, 交际, 热情的, 灵活的, and diverse information technology 组织 and culture that provides professional fulfillment, 专业发展, and growth for its employees and opportunities for student employees.



大学科技服务 demonstrates the following core values:

  • 学生的成功
  • 学术成功
  • 社区参与
  • 所有观点和努力的多样性
  • 卓越的技术

The 战略计划 for Information Technology at 韦德体育app官网 for the period July 1, 2019 - 6月30日, 2022:

  1. Provide robust 学习 and advising technology solutions that foster student success.
  2. Facilitate and advance the cyberinfra结构 needed to support 研究 activities.
  3. Support university initiatives for community engagement, especially the capital campaign.
  4. Provide a high-performance, robust, and pervasive communications network.
  5. 创建, 集成, and implement enterprise solutions that support efficient and effective University operations and services.
  6. 建立可接受的安全级别, 风险管理, 身份管理, and compliance that protects university information technology assets.
  7. 管理数据中心, 它的设施, 云业务, 以及高效有效的操作环境.
  8. 通过治理支持卓越运营, 组织, 及大学科技处的通讯活动.

Our full detailed 战略计划 for Information Technology at 韦德体育app官网 is available by emailing (电子邮件保护).


The 大学科技服务 Annual Report for 2021 and 2020 are available below:




Several factors are changing how we work and how we approach information technology. Our planning and work effort for information technology must consider change drivers:

  • Digital Disruption: Seeking and supporting opportunities to introduce significant efficiencies and innovation through technology advances, effectively responding to market and industry pressure for change.
  • 云计算:选择存储, 计算, 以及云中的应用程序,当它发挥作用时, 金融, 还有安全感, 遵循“云适宜”策略. Cloud solutions that include subject matter expertise gain traction more quickly. 
  • 遵从性命令:政府和监管机构的遵从性, 尤其是在追踪学生成绩方面, 数据安全, 数据隐私倡议, 都是重要的驱动因素. 所有技术领域的安全都至关重要.
  • Analytics: To respond to increasing pressure to demonstrate results, 在教育和一切事业上, 我们需要通过数据分析来了解我们的环境. We need to use university data to inform our decisions and to forecast our future.
  • 流动性:学生, 教师, 工作人员, 设备, 软件, 数据都是动态的, 在不同的轨道, using services and providing connections that add value in a mobile moment.
  • 研究 cyberinfra结构: Supporting the mission to increase the university’s 研究 profile by implementing or enabling high performance, 存储容量, 处理, 研究网络能力.
  • Scalability: Scalability is an important driver affecting many areas of planning, 包括大数据的存储容量, 研究数据, 和视频.
  • 关系:学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, and constituents expects technology solutions that support relationships and communications.
  • Software proliferation and disaggregation: Increasing 软件 variety leading to an explosion of 软件 购买s in a variety of flavors, 包括内部安装, 基于订阅的服务, 和应用程序. License choices vary, including open source and subscription models. 解决方案(ERP, LMS等.) that were once consolidated or restricted to a single platform are increasingly diversified.  
  • Agile development: Software solution providers are moving to agile development methodologies, 导致快速的软件变更.  Rather than 处理 a single major 软件 upgrade in a year, 软件 upgrades are being released in small packages on a much more frequent schedule. More work is now needed to handle the rapid pace and not fall behind in 软件 releases.
  • Device proliferation: A high volume of 设备 and sensors are presented in the Internet of Things, 连接标准电脑, 手机, 以及任何需要网络连接的方便设备.
  • Network architecture changes: IPv6 transitions will require pervasive technical change.
  • 高密度无线网络:高密度企业, 行政, and business quality wireless networks are required as the first-choice network. 用于客户端访问的有线网络是第二选择.
  • Software Defined Data Center: Software defined data center strategies are changing the landscape of traditional installed servers.
  • Legacy 系统:  Removing aging 系统 is becoming increasingly difficult; we find that we are adding and overlaying functions without clear exit pathways.
  • Greater skill diversity: The solution variety translates to skill variety. Older technical skills and new technical skills are needed to maintain a complex environment. Contract and vendor management with a strong understanding of the underlying technology is needed.