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International Students and Scholars

O'Dowd Hall 328
586 Pioneer Drive
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3358
Fax: (248) 370-3351
[email protected]
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

International Students and Scholars

O'Dowd Hall 328
586 Pioneer Drive
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3358
Fax: (248) 370-3351
[email protected]
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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A person having their blood pressure tested.

Health Insurance

As an F-1 or J-1 international student, 你需要购买学校赞助的健康保险计划, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Student 资源. Here is the information on our policy and how to enroll.

F-1 and J-1 Students

As an F-1 or J-1 international student, 你需要购买学校赞助的健康保险计划, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Student 资源. 在2023-24年度,学生健康保险计划每年的费用为1,930美元. 请注意,在2024-25学年,每年的费用将增加到2088美元.

没有在你的国家购买健康保险来满足韦德体育app官网的健康保险标准, 它们符合美国联邦医疗改革法,即患者保护和平价医疗法案(PPACA). 只有在非常有限的情况下才允许你放弃(见下文)。.

联合医疗提供高质量的健康计划,保费合理. 本保单的福利包括无免赔额和在格雷厄姆健康中心接受治疗时100%支付的福利. Services outside of Graham Health Center have a $500 deductible for any care; however, additional deductibles may apply. 

如果您对本网页内容或文件的可访问性有任何疑问或疑虑, please view our Public Accessibility Statement.

Summer Semester 2024
Fall Semester 2024
Fall semester enrollment will open on    8/13/2024 and close on  9/17/2024 . 所有学生,无论是新生还是在读学生,都必须在这段时间内采取行动,注册或放弃2024-25学年的课程. 如果您在此期间不采取行动,您将自动在2024年9月17日注册整个学年,费用为2088美元.


Please note the following important guidelines:

  • Students can only be billed in semesters or annual coverage. 申请学位的学生不允许按月支付.
  • 韦德体育app官网和短期学生有资格按月计费.
  • 豁免请求必须在该学期门户网站关闭日期之前由ISSO收到. No late waiver requests will be considered. If a late waiver request is received, 豁免将保存在档案中,并有资格在下一个门户网站开放期间进行考虑.
  • 除非ISSO在门户网站关闭日期前收到秋季或冬季学期的毕业证明,否则所有学生都需要全额年度保险. 
  • J-1交换生必须在开始学习的学期开始之日起五天内亲自到ISSO办公室注册.
  • From the 2020-21 academic year onward, 通过韦德体育app官网OPT或OPT STEM的学生有资格将自己及其家属登记在我们的保险计划中.

Healthcare Plan Details 2023-24

Healthcare Plan Details 2024-25

现在招收 United Health Care 

Waiving our Insurance

If you have alternate equivalent insurance, you may apply for an exemption through the waiver process. 在两种情况下,豁免程序将免除您购买大学赞助的健康计划:

  • 你有政府提供的奖学金,其中包括美国的健康计划(沙特阿拉伯), 科威特, 阿联酋, 伊拉克, Fulbright/Amideast, 阿曼)
  • 你享有美国雇主医疗计划, 无论是作为你自己的雇员,还是作为父母或配偶的受抚养人. 在这种情况下, 你需要单独购买医疗后送和遣返计划(110美元).

Apply to waive HERE

After you apply for a waiver with United Healthcare above, 您还需要将以下表格提交给保险统筹处,以便将您的替代保险卡副本提交给保险统筹处审批. 不符合上述两个条件之一的保单将不被接受为充分的保险范围. 

提交 Health Insurance Waiver Form to complete your waiver request.

Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Policy Information 2023-24

F-2和J-2(家属)的健康保险选择:强烈建议F-2家属随时携带健康保险. 当一个人没有保险时,可能会发生严重的事故和疾病,这可能会导致在获得足够的护理和支付极高的美国医疗费用方面出现许多问题. 如果您想将您的F-2家属加入您的UHCSR健康保险计划, please see the ISSO for more information. 美国联邦法律要求J-2家属在任何时候都必须购买健康保险. ISSO不要求由全民健康保险公司健康保险计划提供J-2保险, 但如果购买替代保险而不是UHCSR健康保险, 替代保险的副本必须在ISSO存档.
j - 1韦德体育app官网

J-1学生在韦德体育app官网期间必须购买联合医疗保险. During your orientation with the ISSO, 你的国际顾问会检查联合医疗保险计划, and help you enroll for the remainder of your stay.

We will accept alternative coverage for J-2 dependents, if the scholar wishes to enroll dependents in another plan. 美国联邦法律要求所有J-2家属在任何时候都必须购买健康保险. The minimum J-2 health insurance requirements are:

  • 每次事故或疾病至少10万美元的医疗津贴.
  • Repatriation of remains in the amount of $25,000.
  • 交流访问者医疗后送回原籍国的费用为50美元,000.
  • A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness.


If you have insurance through a Fulbright or Amideast program, 或者你有韦德体育app官网的员工保险作为你在校园里工作的一部分, please email Joanne Tarling ([email protected]) with regards to waiving UnitedHealthcare insurance.

Insurance Account Setup

在你参加了我们大学赞助的联合医疗保险计划后,你会想要建立你的健康保险账户, where you can:

  • Print an ID card or request an ID card
  • Check claim status 
  • Update personal information
  • Look up a network provider     

Please review this 摩天观景轮 to explain how to create an account with United Healthcare.

If you receive an error message, please email [email protected].