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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

Elliott Clock Tower on 韦德体育app官网's campus.



英语水平是学生在美国成功完成学位的必要条件. 所有国际申请者, 其他签证持有人, 永久居民, and applicants whose native language* is not English, 必须精通英语作为注册韦德体育app官网学分课程的要求吗. 这些申请人将被要求通过满足下列条件之一来证明英语水平.

Some programs at 韦德体育app官网 may require a higher level of proficiency than listed. 申请人应检查其学习领域的课程描述,以获取有关额外英语水平要求的信息,并提供证据作为入学过程的一部分. 请浏览 英语学院 网站和 本科招生 了解更多信息.

Please, consult the most recent 韦德体育app官网 catalog for the current 英语水平政策 本科生.


阅读能力, 写作, 英语口语和听力是学生在美国成功完成学位的必要条件.  All matriculating international applicants, 其他签证持有人, 永久居民 and applicants whose first language is not English, 必须精通英语作为注册韦德体育app官网学分课程的要求吗.  这些申请人将被要求通过满足下列条件之一来证明英语水平.  申请人申请韦德体育app官网入学时的英语水平成绩必须是两年或更短的时间.

Some programs at 韦德体育app官网 may require a higher level of proficiency than listed above.  申请人应检查其学习领域的课程描述,以获取有关额外英语水平要求的信息,并提供证据作为入学过程的一部分.  请浏览 英语学院 or 研究生 Admission 了解更多信息.



One of the following constitutes proof:

  1. TOEFL: 79 minimum on internet-based TOEFL
  2. MELAB:最低77分
  3. 雅思:6.5最低
  4. PTE学术:最低53分
  5. Duolingo English Test (undergraduate students only): 100
  6. 24 transferable credits, excluding ESL coursework, from a U.S. community college or baccalaureate institution
  7. A degree from a regionally accredited U.S. 学院或大学
  8. One year of study and a diploma from a U.S. 高中
  9. Completion of all coursework to earn a 高中 diploma at an institution outside of the U.S. where the language of instruction was English.
  10. 在韦德体育app官网ESL学院完成三门7级课程,成绩不低于B-.
  11. Completion of ELS Level 112 Intensive program.


  1. 申请人在美国的英语环境中全职工作至少三年. Evidence must be provided such as a letter of support from human resources to confirm employment.
  2. 申请人在美国以外的英语环境中全职工作至少三年. 必须提供证据,如人力资源部门的支持信,确认英语是书面和口头交流的主要语言.
  3. 韦德体育app官网ESL学院基于面试和完成ESL分班测试出具的支持信或评论.


Applicants, who are eligible for admission 并提供 以下分数的证据, 是否被允许参加全球成就衔接课程(GAPP),该课程允许学生同时参加ESL课程, as determined by the 英语学院, 以及学术课程. Enrollment in GAPP will be for one or two semesters. 学生必须在注册的第一学期开始注册ESL课程,作为课程作业的一部分. The ESL instruction sequence designed by the 英语学院 没有商量的余地. 在ESL课程顺序或学术课程中没有取得令人满意进展的学生将被开除.

Global Achievement Pathway Program for One Semester (GAPP - 1)

One of the following constitutes proof:

  1. TOEFL: 69 – 78 on internet-based TOEFL with a minimum section score of 16
  2. MELAB: 73 - 76
  3. 雅思:6.0 with a minimum section score of 5.5
  4. PTE学术:48-52
  5. Duolingo English Test (undergraduate students only): 95

Global Achievement Pathway Program for Two Semesters (GAPP - 2)

One of the following constitutes proof:

  1. TOEFL: 62-68 on internet-based TOEFL
  2. 雅思:6.0
  3. PTE学术:44-47
  4. 多邻国英语考试90分

Admission to intensive English program

没有足够英语水平的学生或没有ESL课程的学生可以被录取到强化英语课程. ESL placement is done by the English as a Second Language Institute (ESL研究所) using the ESL在线分班考试 and other assessment tools. During the students' ESL instruction sequence, 学生的英语水平将被评估,以确定是否取得了足够的进步,以及是否需要额外的ESL课程来达到英语水平. The ESL instruction sequence designed by the 英语学院 没有商量的余地.

Upon completion of the Intensive English Program, students may (re)apply for admission to 韦德体育app官网; applicants are evaluated using the admission criteria described above.


如果你没有足够的英语水平来申请研究生入学或申请开放大学的ESL课程, you can be admitted to the Intensive English Program. ESL课程安排由开放大学的学生完成 ESL中心 using the Institutional TOEFL and other assessment tools. The individualized ESL program sequence determined by the ESL中心 没有商量的余地.

Upon completion of the Intensive English Program, 你可以重新申请进入韦德体育app官网,在那里你将使用上述的录取标准进行评估.



  • 托福(网络):79分
  • 或雅思6分.5
  • 或PTE学术:53
  • 或者Duolingo: 105

Some programs at 韦德体育app官网 may require a higher level of proficiency than listed above. 请查看您的学习领域的课程描述,了解额外的英语水平要求,并提供证明作为入学过程的一部分.

Additional ways to satisfy proof of English proficiency

  • Baccalaureate or master’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. 学院/大学
  • Baccalaureate or master's degree from an institution outside of the U.S. where the language of instruction was English
  • 韦德体育app官网非入学学生(客座学生),在韦德体育app官网的课程中至少获得12个学分,成绩为B或以上. 


  • 在美国的英语环境中全职工作至少三年. Evidence must be provided such as a letter of support from human resources to confirm employment. 
  • 在美国以外的英语环境中全职工作至少三年. 必须提供证据,如人力资源部门的支持信,确认英语是书面和口头交流的主要语言. 
  • 有一个U.S. 专业执照(e).g. 美国医师执照考试(USMLE),明确包括英语水平要求. (只限行政工商管理硕士申请者). 
  • 韦德体育app官网ESL学院基于面试和完成ESL分班测试出具的支持信或评论. 


除了学术课程, ESL courses are required for students scoring below the minimum proficiency: 

  • 托福(网络):69-78分
  • 或雅思6分
  • 或PTE学术:48-52

f - 1学生

If you are eligible for admission, but your test scores fall within the range listed above, 你将从韦德体育app官网的英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程开始学习. You are expected to complete your ESL course of study within one year of your admission. If you complete your ESL course of study or submit a passing TOEFL, IELTS or PTE Academic score during this one-year period, you will be fully admitted to your graduate program. 


Applicants, with evidence of an English Proficiency exam with the following scores, determined academically qualified for admission to a graduate program,  will be required to enroll in an ESL course sequence, as determined by the 英语学院, 以及从注册第一学期开始的必修学术课程,以及随后的每个学期,直到成功完成ESL课程.  

预计申请人, granted admission with limited standing for ESL requirements, will successfully complete the required ESL course sequence within one year.  在ESL课程顺序和/或学术课程中没有取得令人满意进展的学生将被自动开除学术课程.

The 英语学院 will monitor progress and provide written notification to the 研究生院, 当学生成功完成三门7级课程,最低a -或三门8级课程,最低B-, and the 研究生院 may extend the student full admission to the graduate program.    

Admission to Intensive English Program

未来的学生, 没有达到英语水平分数的学生可以直接向韦德体育app官网ESL学院申请.  Course placement is done by the 英语学院 using the ESL在线分班考试, reported English proficiency test scores, 和/或其他评估工具. During the students’ ESL instruction sequence, 学生的英语水平将被评估,以确定是否取得了足够的进步,以及是否需要额外的ESL课程来达到英语水平. The ESL instruction sequence designed by the 英语学院 没有商量的余地. 

Upon completion of the Intensive English Program in the 英语学院 at 韦德体育app官网, students may (re)apply for graduate admission to 韦德体育app官网.

The individualized ESL instruction sequence designed by OU’s 英语学院 没有商量的余地. 期望在一年内圆满完成个性化的ESL教学顺序, but ESL coursework is required until minimum proficiency is demonstrated.