
Linking Learning to Industry

的 实现 程序 connects business students with business leaders

特拉维斯彼得森 & 特蕾莎 Lowery in Elliott Hall




实现 程序 in the School of Business Administration (SBA) is a powerful catalyst for connecting students with industry leaders and furthering professional development. All SBA undergraduates must complete 实现, a series of three courses that teach students core competencies including communication, 网络, 专业, critical thinking and ethical decision making. 的 程序 also includes hands-on 程序ming including workshops, resume reviews and mock interviews with industry professionals.

From 实现 to 雷克斯的感觉
In a mock interview scheduled through the 实现 3990 course, volunteer 特拉维斯彼得森, Director of Sales and Program Management at Lear Corporation and Co-Founder of 雷克斯的感觉, saw an opportunity to facilitate meaningful connection.

特拉维斯, a dedicated 实现 volunteer and SBA Executive in Residence, often facilitates mock interviews for the 实现 程序, helping students polish their interview skills and prepare for the “real thing.” It was there that he encountered 特蕾莎 Lowery, 当时, a senior marketing student at 韦德体育app官网. Impressed by her strong knack for data aggregation and analysis within the marketing realm combined with her professional presentation skills, 特拉维斯 saw a perfect fit for his startup, 雷克斯的感觉. 2023年2月, 雷克斯的感觉 hired 特蕾莎 for a project based contract role, a decision that would prove pivotal for both parties.

Exceeding Expectations
雷克斯的感觉 was in the midst of market testing and 特蕾莎’s work fit a key need. Her marketing project, which she presented in March 2023 to both co-founders, proved valuable to 雷克斯的感觉. "特蕾莎 exceeded our expectations and demonstrated a high level of skill for someone unfamiliar with our industry, but fully understood the statement of work we issued her and completed a meaningful project that we utilize still on our end."

Linking students with industry leaders harnesses a mutually beneficial dynamic, where students acquire real-world insights and experience, while industry leaders tap into new perspectives and potential talent pools. 阴暗的笔记, “Working with 雷克斯的感觉 added valuable, relevant experience to my resume prior to graduation. I am forever grateful to the 实现 程序 for connecting me with 特拉维斯 and helping me discover my passion for market research.”

“I'm really looking forward to staying involved with the SBA as a volunteer. I've witnessed firsthand the benefits that the 实现 程序 brings to students and industry, and I'm excited to keep contributing to its success.彼得森说。.

Learn more about the 实现 程序.
